There is a fly in my quarantine room. And it’s loud. I spent ten minutes trying to hunt it down, swatting at it with an old Costco mailer, before giving up. I donned my mask and went upstairs to dig for fly tape. And now, we wait.
Here’s what Day 3 of COVID looks like. I am now five doses deep into Paxlovid. If I’m sitting, I’d say I’m at 90%. Deducted 10% for the occasional coughing fit and lingering headache. Maybe now that I’ve got COVID, my gray hairs of worry will stop multiplying like bunnies.
Where I really notice the effect of COVID is when I’m moving. When Jeff and Kenzie were out yesterday, I tried to tidy up the kitchen. All I did was wash the dishes and clean up the counter. Truly less than 15 minutes of effort broke me out into a light sweat.
Today is better. I managed to get out into the garden and do some watering and tending. It was nice to feel the warmth of the sun after a couple days of chills. In just three days, there were so many changes in the garden! The milkweed buds are starting to bloom its pink white flowers. A teensy tiny monarch caterpillar demolished three full milkweed leaves and grew a whopping two millimeters. A single Valentino green bean that I planted on a whim popped out with two beautiful leaves. Musk melon seeds that I harvested from a farmer’s market melon sprouted. I transferred six of those sprouts into starter pots, so we’ll see what happens! And, (this is my favorite change of all), one of the lemon trees that I grew from seed from my parents’ tree, just started branching. All this makes it sound like I have a large and glorious garden. In reality, it’s about the size of two parking spaces. It’s perfect in my eyes though. 🙂 I’ll take some pictures tomorrow.
Kenzie is pretty much over me being in quarantine. This morning, she ran downstairs for a quick goodbye before running off to camp. No more breakfast menus or get well cards, lol. I think though, it’s good for her to realize that COVID maybe isn’t as scary as it used to be. I was definitely scared when I got the test results. I was really scared on Day 1, when I felt weak and floaty, and had trouble finishing sentences. Now that it’s Day 3, I’m confident my body (and science) can beat it. I’m not afraid anymore. Now it’s just a matter of being patient. I can do that.
I did get the coolest transformer card from a fellow pod mom though! (During the pandemic, us and two other neighborhood families that we barely knew formed a pod of desperation. Our families’ friendship is the silver lining for sure.) I spent about ten minutes trying to reverse engineer this thing, lol.
Today, I just need to do one quick thing for work, then I’m going to start plowing through a stack of Martha Steward Living magazines. Three down. Two to go. I got this.