This post contains affiliate links, which means if you buy a Xyron sticker maker from Amazon (which I truly do recommend!), I’ll get about three cents. Every little bit helps though! 🙂
These custom-labeled Izzy sodas drew rave reviews at a baby shower I threw for my friend Charlotte. (Coincidentally, the same event where the term “Yellow Martha” was coined…me being a crafty Asian type.) They were super easy to make. I used Photoshop and drew a circle with a 2.5″ diameter. Next, I added a text layer with “Charlotte’s gonna pop!” on it. Finally, because the baby shower theme was “bacon,” I added a little pig silhouette. You can never have too much pig.
For the next step, I simply copy/pasted my circle into a Word doc.  I use Word because it’s a snap to layout several images at once, and scale images quickly if necessary.  Then, I printed out the doc and cut all the circles out.  Last step was to run the circles through my Xyron.  Xyrons are still magical to me.  Basically, you can turn any flat image into a sticker.  Think about it.  You can make your own stickers for cards, for branding, for wine labels, you can cut letters out of scrapbook paper and make a super cute sign.  Xyrons are awesome.  Buy one.
Once the stickers were made, we slapped them onto Izzy bottles, and finessed it with a cute striped paper straw and curling ribbon. So sweet, so easy, and so many compliments.